Home > Crime, Society > Carjacking suspect killed, victim wounded in DeKalb shootout | ajc.com

Carjacking suspect killed, victim wounded in DeKalb shootout | ajc.com

January 29, 2010

Carjacking suspect killed, victim wounded in DeKalb shootout  | ajc.com.

This is what gets me. Why do some black men feel that the only way to get “stuff” is to try and take it. I say black men, because that is my world. I don’t live among white men, so I have no interest in what they do in their neighborhood. I try to teach the young men in my family that material wealth does not define who you are until you pull a stupid stunt like this. Working hard for something should be a value taught by parents. Being a carjack kid should not be taught as a value. I sure hope the victim fully recovers so he can have the last laugh.

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